Sweet Tomato Soap Co
Social media and I have a confusing relationship, as I think is the case for many people. While I am frustrated by the pressure to be constantly accessible and by an increasing lack of personal interactions, I love being able to stay connected with far away friends and family (which is most of them), feel that it allows me to be a more educated world citizen, appreciate it as a marketing tool and am excited by the opportunity to make connections that turn into clients!
I recently connected on Facebook with a girl around my age who owns a soap company. She was ready to get the ball rolling again on her business after a break and wanted a redesign of her logo. We were able to work out an agreement and I got to work!
Luckily, she already had a pretty good idea of what she was looking for and had done some research to get me started. She stands out a soapmaker by using natural ingredients from gardens (like tomatoes, carrots and figs) in her soaps and by donating a portion of the proceeds to local food banks. She wanted her new logo to have a rustic feel to reflect the homemade, grassroots style of her company.
After a few rounds of edits, we came up with a final version. I was so pleased to see it featured on her Facebook page before the rush of Christmas orders.